GT: nancy's mind box

11:32 AM

This is it, finally... my first entry for the month! But first off and before I brag about myself I'd like to congratulate first (though this may late) Kaye for hosting the new Girls Talk. I've learned about it after reading entries from last month in which I wasn't able to join in for some reasons. But now I'm back and this is really it.

So... what do I love about myself mentally? This has got me really thinking. I thought the last theme was the toughest for the month, I was wrong. Somebody will raise some violent reactions for sure if I say something I can be proud of mentally especially these days. So let it just not be known to the world. I'm crazy, what can I say?

But on a lighter note, Like Ms. K I also did fairly well during my entire school days. The fact that I finished college, took home a diploma and landed some decent jobs from the past (and hopefully a new one soon) can justify it enough that my mind box indeed is in a healthy state. Need I say more? Hmm, I have poor memory too that sometimes lead me to some sort of embarrassment. Although, that don't bother me much.

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