my first ...
2:18 AMHi there, Lynn. It's passed 2am now while I'm doing this post but don't worry, I'm still wide awake. I just actually had a talk with JK (during his lunch break-DST) and decided not to climb to bed till I'm done posting this cool stuffs you shared to me. Well, just to make sure I'm not missing it this time.
I really do appreciate this. For more than a year of staying here in the blogosphere, I already came across with hundreds of people. Some are gone and some remains. Some had changed, the other stays the same. Somehow, I also get to know people's "color." Thanks to my instinct, lol! I received various forms of appreciation from friends but to be handed such virtual token of gratitude like this, is my first...
... and for this Power Blog award, I don't know what makes my blog so powerful but thank you. I may not sure what this award tries to suggest but one thing I am so grateful about it are the warm thoughts of sharing and remembering that we all belong to one community.