Me and Myself

9:20 PM

Tagged by Sujee . . .

1. Today I feel very--- Lost and confused!
2. I enjoy --- blogging but I'm a bit dull lately.
3. I am unhappy when --- someone's hurt.
4. I feel good when --- I know everyone I care about are safe and sound...
5. I wish my boss --- (who is GOD) will answer too many questions from my so disoriented mind and grant me comfort and bliss for I am too tired of being lost.
6. My officemates think --- I remember one of my officemates used to think I'm tough because being in the administration department, you have to make boundaries between work and people as professionals and not a personal't it hard?! So you have to single out professionalism.
7. My work area is --- my living room where my PC is.
8. I enjoy reading about --- anything interesting.
9. I like myself best when --- I know I did something worthwhile.

10. If I had a choice I would --- make things happen accordingly.
11. I wish --- I am stronger. My life has been so full of tough challenges and I don't even know how far I could stand the test of time.
12. Tomorrow I would like to --- see myself journeying the path the way God wants me to follow.

Would love to hear from Witchyboop, Lorie, Lira and Fyrnz.

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