I'm Wholesome!

6:40 PM

I received this tag from Joy... This is actually a late post coz I've been thinkin' of not posting this at all. When I saw some of the other blogger's version, wow...they look so gorgeous and magnificent as covergirls in different fashion magazines but as what other people says:" If you can't beat them, join them!" Just what exactly I am doing..lol! But I am more of like the wholesome version and oopps...don't get deceived with the mag's title "seventeen" coz I'm not, lol. Definitely not..although I'm trying to look like one..hahaha...

By the way, I wanna pass this fun and exciting taggie to Fyrnz, Lovielly, Lorie and Sweet Kenjie.

Wanna acknowledge also the effort of a good friend for helping me out in making this cover. Thank you so much..you're simply terrific.

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